Wednesday, 14 April 2010

023 - Vitali

Massimo Vitali

“My photography comes from absolute matter-of-fact situations but also from a deep curiosity that I possess for people, for what they do and how they think.”

This photo is one that I keep going back to, every time I do I find something new. Another character, another moment. Capturing moments is something photographer's do, that's something regularly said, but Massimo Vitali is managing to capture hundreds of moments, countless interaction's between the characters in his images. Yet the way he composes the image is such that all of the moments come together, forming a greater depth to the image. You can view it from a distance and it's an amazing photograph, or you can get right up close and get lost in it. I say this in the nicest possible way, but his work reminds me of a where's wally poster. This screenshot does no justice to the detail, you have to visit his site and explore. Some of the images have a magnifying glass, these are the ones you'll get lost in.

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